TACTSIM complies with ALL legal requirements of the GPI48
Police legal framework :
Art.1.6.1. The training allows the acquisition of:
- Basic skills inherent in the different categories of personnel (basic training)
The basic skills implement being able to perform the (security) manipulations with a firearm. TacTsim allows one to manipulate a firearm both physically and virtually. This allows not only to create a tactical setting and training regarding. PITIP in a virtual environment, but also the BASIC SKILLS and MANIPULATIONS of the firearm to physically learn and train according to the GPI48 in a safe manner.
- Additional skills that have become necessary due to the general evolution of society, police techniques and armaments, the assignment of new assignments ... (non-baremic advanced training);
- Special skills associated with fulfilling a special full-time or part-time position (functional training).
The training must also allow partially lost skills to be brought back up to standard training, on the other hand, consists of repeating skills acquired during training in order to maintain and improve them.
Art. 1.6.2. In order to achieve the aim of the education and training, these knowledge, skills and attitudes that characterize these competences must be taught and trained in the following way:
- Progressive : The training must be provided according to a progressive process that respects the different phases of the acquisition of motor and technical skills (cognitive, associative - and autonomic phase) and that takes into account the level of the target group.
- The cognitive phase consists of learning the different movements that make up an action. This learning phase takes place in a neutral environment (classroom, dojo, shooting range), through static methods. The execution of the act concentrates entirely on the execution of the various movements of which it is composed;
TACTSIM provides motor / physical learning and training of all basic manipulations of a firearm in a safe VR environment by a Virtual trainer.
- During the associative phase, one becomes familiar with the execution of the movements and can focus one's attention on integrating the different actions into a coherent whole, for the execution of exact techniques. The neutral environment should gradually give way to simulated situations that should allow dynamic exercises;
TACTSIM provides education & training of the manipulations in VR by individually performing the learned actions with the firearms.
- The autonomous phase is the complete automation of locomotion. The focus is no longer on the coherent execution of actions, allowing one to focus on solving the situation (perception of the hazard indicators, interaction with the environment...);
TACTSIM provides teaching and training of tactical principles in a VR safe environment. Automation through training.
- Integrated: The training must be provided in such a way that all areas of violence management are strongly integrated;
TACTSIM provides scenario training in a customized VR safe environment in which all domains of violence control can be integrated.
- Situational : The training should be fully oriented towards solving dangerous or potentially dangerous situations and should give priority to interactive teaching methods, such as multimedia simulators or exercises in the nature of role plays.
TACTSIM distinguishes itself mainly in the educational field with a view to training in the use of firearms.
Our system can virtually simulate a weapon malfunction , whereby the police officer can visually determine that a weapon malfunction is occurring. Not only visually, but also physically the hiccup will have to be solved by performing the correct actions. Our system is not based on a game environment, where manipulations of the firearm are not possible, but is based on learning manipulations and applying them in the required situation after learning and automating them.
Art. 1.6.3. Due to the reducing effect that justified emotion can have on cognitive skills, in response to a more or less great danger or simply the possibility of this danger, one will always strive for simplicity for the methods and techniques learned or trained.
The principle is that every police officer, assisted by a specialist in violence control, finds and adopts the technique that best suits him/her; a technique that he/she will continuously improve during his/her career.
Art. 1.6.4. The police officer who is confronted with a dangerous situation or potentially dangerous situation must first ensure his/her own safety if he/she is to be able to solve this situation and to continue to protect his/her colleagues and fellow citizens .
Based on this point of view, the personnel should learn to anticipate (recognize the dangers, assess the risks, not be surprised in order to limit the violence before it develops and fight it with the most appropriate means) and to learn to protect themselves (using coverage, optimal use of protective equipment and armaments). During training and during each training, special attention should be paid to the continuous concern for safety.
TACTSIM provides different training scenarios in which one learns to use different coverages.
The VR system minimizes the risks during education & training because no real ammunition has to be used. In this way, the safety of every police officer or woman can be guaranteed during education or training.
In our VR training module we can also include the EPP course in which one learns to use covers while learning to solve various hitches and automating these actions.
Art. 1.6.5. Since the police officer must be able to react to an aggression and must guarantee his/her own safety, as well as that of his/her colleague and third parties present, the work in a team will be privileged with every potential or identified hazard.
Teamwork is the basic form of intervention for solving dangerous or potentially dangerous situations; therefore a lot of time has to be spent on this during education and training.
Police : GPI48/GPI81/SWB/WPA
Security services : law on private security/SWB